Site announcements

    Our online learning courses are moving

    by Lesley Belcher -

    Our online learning courses are moving to:

    In addition to the online courses, this new site also includes all ART's online resources:

    • Recruitment and retention resources
    • Methods toolboxes
    • Advanced call change toolbox
    • Handbell resources
    • Simulator resources
    • Teaching tips
    • Learning tips
    All have been revised and updated.

    Notification of routine maintenance

    by Lesley Belcher -

    Online Learning will be down for routine maintenance on Friday 14 March. It will be unavailable from 13:00 until the morning of Saturday 15 March.

    Available courses

    This course aims to give you a good all round knowledge of everything to do with call changes, from understanding what they are, to ringing and calling them.

    This course has been moved to:

    Learn how to call bobs effectively and in the right place, and how to construct touches using all the calling options for Plain Bob Doubles.

    This course has been moved to:

    An introduction to the concepts and techniques involved in putting together short practice-night touches of spliced, from Plain and Little Bob Minor, through Spliced Surprise Minor, and finishing with examples of splicing the Core 7 Surprise Major.

    This course has been moved to:

    A Module 2F refresher course for all ringing teachers.  It's suitable for both new and experienced teachers - after all, it's been a long time since we've taught anyone and it's easy to forget some of the finer details. This refresher takes about two hours to complete, and whilst it can't possibly cover everything in the day course in detail, there's plenty of reminders of the key points and skills.

    This course has been moved to:

    This course is for all those who have attended ART's M1 module. 

    It's suitable for both new and experienced teachers - after all, it's been a long time since we've taught anyone to handle a bell and it's easy to forget some of the finer details. 

    This course takes about one and a half hours to complete, and whilst it can't possibly cover everything in the day course in detail, there are plenty of reminders of the key points and skills.

    This course has been moved to:

    This is a progressive learning scheme to take you from Plain Bob to spliced Surprise Minor by learning over 40 methods. It is targeted at those who are learning methods in the virtual world, however it is just as applicable to learning on tower bells. It introduces concepts such as:

    • Ringing by the treble
    • Second and sixth place methods
    • Ringing above and below the treble

    If that sounds a bit scary, it is designed to develop your method ringing in small steps and a certificates are awarded when you’ve completed each level. You will have earned them!

    This course has been moved to: If you've already started this course, please login and transfer your progress from here to:

    The place to explore the world of virtual ringing and the many different activities that hook fellow bell ringers into this addictive hobby.

    The challenges cover simulator software, online ringing, handbells and the enigmatically named tail ends. When you’ve ticked off a challenge yourself, you can share your experience on the 50 Things Facebook group.

    The scheme is targeted at those who are new to ringing in the virtual world, however, just like the original 50 Ringing Things, there will probably be competitions between experienced virtual ringers to see who will be the first to get their Gold certificate.

    For you collectors out there (and there are one or two in bell ringing!) you will receive your 50 Ringing Things certificates when you’ve ticked off the right number of challenges. Remember, only challenges completed after registering on the scheme count!

    This course will be discontinued from 1 April 2025.

    Explains how to safely undertake basic belfry checks and maintenance, including how to safely work in the tower, undertake a risk assessment, check your belfry for any obvious issues and perform basic maintenance tasks such as replacing a stay.

    Before undertaking any work in the tower, it's important to have completed a risk assessment which has been approved by your PCC.

    This course will be discontinued from 1 April 2025.

    Learn how to check and care for the ropes in your tower, and prevent and fix common problems.


    • Rope care and maintenance
    • How and where ropes fail
    • How to diagnose and fix them before they fail
    • Splicing ropes to repair them
    • Which splice to use in each situation
    This course will be discontinued from 1 April 2025.